Explore All Horror Style Tattoo

Horror tattoos are inspired by the macabre and the frightening, featuring themes and imagery associated with horror movies, literature, and folklore. Common subjects include monsters, zombies, ghosts, and other supernatural elements. These tattoos often use dark, moody colors and dramatic shading to enhance the eerie and unsettling atmosphere. Horror tattoos are perfect for fans of the genre who want to express their love for all things spooky and terrifying. The detailed and often gruesome imagery requires a skilled artist to bring the horror elements to life on the skin.

Recent Horror Tattoos:

le prenom " rataraze "  tattoo

le prenom " rataraze "

欲望的恶魔 tattoo


elon musk horror tattoo

elon musk horror

Волшебная селëдка tattoo

Волшебная селëдка

Волк красивый с луной tattoo

Волк красивый с луной

bones and roses tattoo

bones and roses

Пасть с зубами tattoo

Пасть с зубами

Пасть зубы  tattoo

Пасть зубы

被挖掉眼睛,缝住嘴巴的寸头男子 tattoo


被挖掉眼睛,缝住嘴巴的寸头男子 tattoo


Anlamayız hayatı felsefeyle ilimle hayat çelik ellerle atılan zar olmalı tattoo

Anlamayız hayatı felsefeyle ilimle hayat çelik ellerle atılan zar olmalı

Cactus in a desert with bunch of thorns wrapping around it tattoo

Cactus in a desert with bunch of thorns wrapping around it

Cactus with thorns tattoo

Cactus with thorns

black pills and drug tattoo

black pills and drug

tabletki tattoo


Space wolves rune priest from the 40k universe in grim dark style, complete arm sleeve  tattoo

Space wolves rune priest from the 40k universe in grim dark style, complete arm sleeve

没有脚的鸟,两只巨大的翅膀包住小臂 tattoo


tatuaggio in verticale: una linea spessa con a fianco una linea fine. A lato il simbolo awen e sotto il simbolo di ade tattoo

tatuaggio in verticale: una linea spessa con a fianco una linea fine. A lato il simbolo awen e sotto il simbolo di ade

Tattoo Design Brief
I am looking for a tattoo in warhammer style, depicting an female elephant next to a male weasel. Both the same size and both in armour with axes in there hands tattoo

Tattoo Design Brief I am looking for a tattoo in warhammer style, depicting an female elephant next to a male weasel. Both the same size and both in armour with axes in there hands

rostro de medusa con serpientes en el cabelo diosa griega sexy tattoo

rostro de medusa con serpientes en el cabelo diosa griega sexy