


Calligraphy gang 纹身

Calligraphy gang

flowers 纹身


The grim reaper presenting a heart thatvis on fire 纹身

The grim reaper presenting a heart thatvis on fire

Герб Украины 纹身

Герб Украины

7 deadly sins 纹身

7 deadly sins

necromancer and his dog 纹身

necromancer and his dog

Undead Samurai  纹身

Undead Samurai

donkey 纹身


A naked girl with her tongue sticking out  纹身

A naked girl with her tongue sticking out

rabbit 纹身


An octopus with a key  纹身

An octopus with a key

neural cat 纹身

neural cat

Requin qui coule une barque en bois avec deux pêcheurs qui sont apeurés en criant 纹身

Requin qui coule une barque en bois avec deux pêcheurs qui sont apeurés en criant

super sexy smoking woman 纹身

super sexy smoking woman

decal of a wolf and an elephant 纹身

decal of a wolf and an elephant

Miley Cyrus Dying 纹身

Miley Cyrus Dying

Six eyes with different pupil positions. Different emotions: squint, wide open, tearful.  纹身

Six eyes with different pupil positions. Different emotions: squint, wide open, tearful.