Utforska alla Minimalistisk tatueringsstilar

Minimalistiska tatueringar fokuserar på enkelhet och rena linjer, ofta med svart bläck och minimal skuggning. Den här stilen kännetecknas av sina raka, okomplicerade mönster som betonar form över detalj. Minimalistiska tatueringar kan variera från små, delikata symboler till större kompositioner som ändå behåller en känsla av enkelhet och elegans. Populära teman inkluderar geometriska former, enlinjiga teckningar och små betydelsefulla symboler eller ord. Den minimalistiska ansatsen erbjuder ett subtilt och elegant sätt att bära konst på huden, som tilltalar dem som föredrar diskret och raffinerad kroppskonst.

Nyligen Minimalistisk tatueringar:

带MSH字母的纹身 tatuering


Upside down Catholic Cross tatuering

Upside down Catholic Cross

Three headed dragon tatuering

Three headed dragon

Boussole  tatuering


2 femme dans une gondole à Venise  tatuering

2 femme dans une gondole à Venise

Femme guerriere amazone tirant a l’arc tatuering

Femme guerriere amazone tirant a l’arc

Cuatro dibujos, un faro, una estrella una luna y una clave de sol separados x dos flichas cruzadas tatuering

Cuatro dibujos, un faro, una estrella una luna y una clave de sol separados x dos flichas cruzadas

black and red graphic tattoo sleeve with elements of Japanese culture, kitsune mask, plants, flowers and lines tatuering

black and red graphic tattoo sleeve with elements of Japanese culture, kitsune mask, plants, flowers and lines

panthère au cœur cassé tatuering

panthère au cœur cassé

résilience tatuering


amour impossible tatuering

amour impossible

vie de souffrance tatuering

vie de souffrance

broken heart, hope, loneliness, , floral,  tatuering

broken heart, hope, loneliness, , floral,

the tattoo should say "Hey sailor, have faith!", surrounded by a wave. on the wave there is a tiny boat and on the other side is a cross shining like a lighthouse. make it fine and minimalist, make the font very calligraphy-like. tatuering

the tattoo should say "Hey sailor, have faith!", surrounded by a wave. on the wave there is a tiny boat and on the other side is a cross shining like a lighthouse. make it fine and minimalist, make the font very calligraphy-like.

Alchemico tatuering


The tattoo will be a phrase saying" Vai com medo mesmo" i'd like to see the phrase in different fonts to compate and choose the best one. I'm looking for something minimalist to tattoo on my wrist tatuering

The tattoo will be a phrase saying" Vai com medo mesmo" i'd like to see the phrase in different fonts to compate and choose the best one. I'm looking for something minimalist to tattoo on my wrist

Vai com medo mesmo tatuering

Vai com medo mesmo