Идея татуировки в стиле Нео-традиционный Saint peter upside-down on the cross

Дата создания: 2024-07-01

Saint peter upside-down on the cross татуировка

Недавние татуировки в Нео-традиционный стиле:

A large stylized lotus. On the left side the goddess Lakshmi. On the right side the goddess Kali. Both godesses facing each other татуировка

A large stylized lotus. On the left side the goddess Lakshmi. On the right side the goddess Kali. Both godesses facing each other

nombre albert blanco negro татуировка

nombre albert blanco negro

Недавние татуировки:

A large stylized lotus. On the left side the goddess Lakshmi. On the right side the goddess Kali. Both godesses facing each other татуировка

A large stylized lotus. On the left side the goddess Lakshmi. On the right side the goddess Kali. Both godesses facing each other

nombre albert blanco negro татуировка

nombre albert blanco negro