치카노 A single long stemmed rose where the name "Cindy Rose," in elegant hand written font makes up the rose stem and is vividly evident and stands out visually yet having it blend in with the design overall 스타일의 타투 아이디어

생성 날짜: 2024-07-06

A single long stemmed rose where the name "Cindy Rose," in elegant hand written font makes up the rose stem and is vividly evident and stands out visually yet having it blend in with the design overall 문신

치카노 스타일의 최근 문신:

'd like the focal point to be a broken clock. I like the gears in the middle of the clock. Possibly some wings at the top, but subtle, not huge wings. I would like some more fill other than just flowers, but no "tribal" or barbed wire. Possibly adding the Italian wording "Nessuna promessa di domani" somewhere. Going for a masculine tone/style. 문신

'd like the focal point to be a broken clock. I like the gears in the middle of the clock. Possibly some wings at the top, but subtle, not huge wings. I would like some more fill other than just flowers, but no "tribal" or barbed wire. Possibly adding the Italian wording "Nessuna promessa di domani" somewhere. Going for a masculine tone/style.

SouthSide Bellevue  문신

SouthSide Bellevue

柠檬 문신


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최근 문신:

religeous 문신


Tom y Jerry con los ojos rojos y una botella de tequila  문신

Tom y Jerry con los ojos rojos y una botella de tequila

Tom de Tom y Jerry con un sombrero de mariachi, un cigarro en la boca y una botella de tequila en la mano  문신

Tom de Tom y Jerry con un sombrero de mariachi, un cigarro en la boca y una botella de tequila en la mano

tattoo with many creepy eyes 문신

tattoo with many creepy eyes