신전통 스타일의 모든 문신을 살펴보세요

네오 트래디셔널 타투는 고전적인 전통 (또는 올드 스쿨) 타투 스타일의 현대적인 진화입니다. 전통 타투의 굵은 선과 선명한 색상을 유지하면서, 네오 트래디셔널 디자인은 더욱 복잡한 디테일, 다양한 선 굵기, 더 넓은 색상 팔레트를 통합합니다. 이 스타일은 종종 사실적인 요소와 복잡한 구성을 특징으로 하며, 전통적인 미학과 현대적인 트위스트를 결합한 것을 찾는 사람들에게 인기가 많습니다. 일반적인 주제로는 동물, 꽃, 초상화가 있으며, 피부에 생생하게 살아있는 듯한 풍부함과 깊이를 표현합니다.

신전통 스타일의 최근 문신:

英文字母pray 문신


outer wilds with  문신

outer wilds with

Etant donne 문신

Etant donne

Etant donne 문신

Etant donne

the phrase: memento mori, a cross, a skull and a candle burning on the side of the skull. 문신

the phrase: memento mori, a cross, a skull and a candle burning on the side of the skull.

create a minimalist tattoo in black and white. Incorporating the phrase: memento mori, a cross, a skull and a burning candle on the side of the skull. 문신

create a minimalist tattoo in black and white. Incorporating the phrase: memento mori, a cross, a skull and a burning candle on the side of the skull.

 Death and space themed hourglass about to run out of sand

Death and space themed hourglass about to run out of sand

deaths hourglass with his last granules of sand running out with crows imbued in the design for the back of the hand

deaths hourglass with his last granules of sand running out with crows imbued in the design for the back of the hand

a death themed An hourglass with his last granules of sand running out with crows and Ravens imbued in the design 

a death themed An hourglass with his last granules of sand running out with crows and Ravens imbued in the design

Thai Ogre Head on a Baphomet Body 문신

Thai Ogre Head on a Baphomet Body

Yak Thai ogre Head on a Mix of a Baphomet and Bhudda Body 문신

Yak Thai ogre Head on a Mix of a Baphomet and Bhudda Body

羽毛 문신


wikinger und Indianer Zeichen und oder Tiere in Kombination als nackentattoo 문신

wikinger und Indianer Zeichen und oder Tiere in Kombination als nackentattoo

a man doing gymnastics on a horizontal bar 문신

a man doing gymnastics on a horizontal bar

men's gymnastics  문신

men's gymnastics

Abstract shapes chest panel  문신

Abstract shapes chest panel

Fear and loathing bats 문신

Fear and loathing bats

Ralph steadman 문신

Ralph steadman

Marcel Duchamp 문신

Marcel Duchamp

A clock showing a few minutes to midnight, surrounded by broken gears and mechanical parts 문신

A clock showing a few minutes to midnight, surrounded by broken gears and mechanical parts