신전통 스타일의 모든 문신을 살펴보세요

네오 트래디셔널 타투는 고전적인 전통 (또는 올드 스쿨) 타투 스타일의 현대적인 진화입니다. 전통 타투의 굵은 선과 선명한 색상을 유지하면서, 네오 트래디셔널 디자인은 더욱 복잡한 디테일, 다양한 선 굵기, 더 넓은 색상 팔레트를 통합합니다. 이 스타일은 종종 사실적인 요소와 복잡한 구성을 특징으로 하며, 전통적인 미학과 현대적인 트위스트를 결합한 것을 찾는 사람들에게 인기가 많습니다. 일반적인 주제로는 동물, 꽃, 초상화가 있으며, 피부에 생생하게 살아있는 듯한 풍부함과 깊이를 표현합니다.

신전통 스타일의 최근 문신:

Create a close up image of a 15 cm abstract tattoo for the outside area of the lower arm with intricate pattern of a branching design resembling tree roots or veins with delicate lines and curves, with varying thicknesses, creating a sense of depth and flow against the skin that incorporates the meaningful themes of Self worth, Self compassion and self kindness as encrypted symbols in the styles of neo tribal, neo goth, featuring different shades, giving a sense of energy and movement. 문신

Create a close up image of a 15 cm abstract tattoo for the outside area of the lower arm with intricate pattern of a branching design resembling tree roots or veins with delicate lines and curves, with varying thicknesses, creating a sense of depth and flow against the skin that incorporates the meaningful themes of Self worth, Self compassion and self kindness as encrypted symbols in the styles of neo tribal, neo goth, featuring different shades, giving a sense of energy and movement.

Hades  문신


sleeve 문신


staffy musclé debout avec pied droit sur une balle de foot en tenue de karaté en position d'attaque 문신

staffy musclé debout avec pied droit sur une balle de foot en tenue de karaté en position d'attaque

un staffy debout sur ses 2 pattes arrières avec un kimono de karaté ceinture orange en position d'attaque et une balle de foot en dessous de sous pied droit 문신

un staffy debout sur ses 2 pattes arrières avec un kimono de karaté ceinture orange en position d'attaque et une balle de foot en dessous de sous pied droit

Nombre Priscila  문신

Nombre Priscila

关公睁眼 문신


关公 문신


勇敢的美少女战士 문신


Four leave clover  문신

Four leave clover

rose of no mans land 문신

rose of no mans land

lower back tribal 문신

lower back tribal

tatuaje que combina los símbolos del fénix, el Yin Yang, el infinito, el Árbol de la Vida, la flor de loto ,  el Ojo de Horus  y los 4 elementos de forma armoniosa realista y color 문신

tatuaje que combina los símbolos del fénix, el Yin Yang, el infinito, el Árbol de la Vida, la flor de loto , el Ojo de Horus y los 4 elementos de forma armoniosa realista y color

arbol de la vida  armonisado clo el infinito 문신

arbol de la vida armonisado clo el infinito

Анубис 문신


Unendlichkeitszeichen mit integriertem Herz an der linken Seite und dem Buchstaben M links in der Linie mit eingebettet 문신

Unendlichkeitszeichen mit integriertem Herz an der linken Seite und dem Buchstaben M links in der Linie mit eingebettet

seychelles mauritius and palm tree saying Mum 문신

seychelles mauritius and palm tree saying Mum

Cartoon cat sitting in kitty litter box 문신

Cartoon cat sitting in kitty litter box