Idea di tatuaggio in stile Blackwork 火焰缠绕着荆棘在燃烧

Data di creazione: 2024-11-19

火焰缠绕着荆棘在燃烧 tatuaggio

Tatuaggi recenti in stile Blackwork:

NBA冠军奖杯,雾面 tatuaggio


篮球风格纹身 tatuaggio


Running hare(rabbit) in etching woodwork style. Rabbit is in the center of a floral wreath circle. There are 5 arrows coming at and through the floral wreath. tatuaggio

Running hare(rabbit) in etching woodwork style. Rabbit is in the center of a floral wreath circle. There are 5 arrows coming at and through the floral wreath.

Tatuaggi recenti:

FC Magdeburg tatuaggio

FC Magdeburg

NBA冠军奖杯,雾面 tatuaggio
