Idea di tatuaggio in stile Graffiti A dreamy, cartoon dog lying on its back, surrounded by pastel-colored flowers and leaves, all contained within a circular shape. The dog is a soft shade of pastel beige with highlights in pink. The flowers are pastel shades of lilac, peach, and mint. The background has a gentle ombre effect, transitioning from soft blue to blush pink. The circle has a delicate, scalloped edge in pastel green, with 'Dog Vibes Only' written below in a whimsical script

Data di creazione: 2024-10-19

A dreamy, cartoon dog lying on its back, surrounded by pastel-colored flowers and leaves, all contained within a circular shape. The dog is a soft shade of pastel beige with highlights in pink. The flowers are pastel shades of lilac, peach, and mint. The background has a gentle ombre effect, transitioning from soft blue to blush pink. The circle has a delicate, scalloped edge in pastel green, with 'Dog Vibes Only' written below in a whimsical script tatuaggio

Tatuaggi recenti in stile Graffiti:

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Стрелец в хип хоп стиле независимый уверенный в себе с раскинутыми крыльями с луком и стрелой tatuaggio

Стрелец в хип хоп стиле независимый уверенный в себе с раскинутыми крыльями с луком и стрелой

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Dollar sign

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Создай эскиз классической тату скарабея египетских жриц, где крылья-горизонтальны

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de dos amigas, no importa donde esten, siempre estaran juntas