Idea de tatuaje en estilo Minimalista Warhammer-style tattoo so I want a female elephant and a male weasel. A bug on one person's face and a bug on the other person's face and combine the two to create a creative animal image.
Fecha de creación: 2024-11-30
Tatuajes recientes de Minimalista:
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Everyone has a different flowering period, so there's no need to worry. Someone has it earlier than you
生活不能太安逸 要多去闯 多体验新鲜刺激的事物,这个人生我们都只活一次,你可以活出任何形状,不再迎合他人的期待,接纳自己的每一面,坦荡也好,拧巴也罢,那都是你,再也不要因为外在的压力和别人的期待去压抑自己的内心。你可以做野草,可以做小花,可以做你的千千万万。