استكشف جميع أنماط الوشم نيو-تقليدي

وشم النيو تراديشنال هو تطور حديث لأسلوب الوشم التقليدي الكلاسيكي (أو مدرسة قديمة). بينما يحتفظون بالخطوط الغليظة والألوان النابضة بالحياة لوشم التقليدي، فإن تصاميم النيو تراديشنال تتضمن تفاصيل أكثر تعقيدًا، وأوزان خطوط متنوعة، وف palette ألوان أوسع. غالبًا ما يتميز هذا الأسلوب بعناصر واقعية وتراكيب معقدة، مما يجعله مفضلًا لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن مزيج من الجمالية التقليدية مع لمسة معاصرة. تشمل الموضوعات الشائعة الحيوانات والزهور والصور، والتي يتم رسمها بثراء وعمق يمنحها الحياة على الجلد.

وشم نيو-تقليدي حديث:

Winged Victory of Samothrace without face وشم

Winged Victory of Samothrace without face

Winged Victory of Samothrace without head وشم

Winged Victory of Samothrace without head

Japanese style tattoo with traditional elements of japanese culture like cherry tree, temple, kanji and kami وشم

Japanese style tattoo with traditional elements of japanese culture like cherry tree, temple, kanji and kami

中國生肖的風格, 要有2條中國龍, 1只雞, 1只狗, 龍是父母, 纏繞在雞和狗的身邊, 雞是女生, 狗是男生 وشم

中國生肖的風格, 要有2條中國龍, 1只雞, 1只狗, 龍是父母, 纏繞在雞和狗的身邊, 雞是女生, 狗是男生

Biomechanical tree وشم

Biomechanical tree

vines intertwine with wires and tubes, blending seamlessly. The vines can have leaves growing out of them, while the wires connect to mechanical parts وشم

vines intertwine with wires and tubes, blending seamlessly. The vines can have leaves growing out of them, while the wires connect to mechanical parts

Mechanical tree وشم

Mechanical tree

Tree made of mechanical parts وشم

Tree made of mechanical parts

Mechanical Flowers and Foliage: Integrate flowers with mechanical petals and leaves made of metal or glass. The stems and branches can combine both organic elements and mechanical structures, such as pistons or hydraulic parts. وشم

Mechanical Flowers and Foliage: Integrate flowers with mechanical petals and leaves made of metal or glass. The stems and branches can combine both organic elements and mechanical structures, such as pistons or hydraulic parts.

Biomechanical forest وشم

Biomechanical forest

 Depict a section of a forest where trees have mechanical components, such as gears and metal plating, mixed with natural bark and leaves وشم

Depict a section of a forest where trees have mechanical components, such as gears and metal plating, mixed with natural bark and leaves

Ornamental chest tattoo that looks industrial وشم

Ornamental chest tattoo that looks industrial

Raven playing guitar وشم

Raven playing guitar

Singular ghost playing with a hula hoop وشم

Singular ghost playing with a hula hoop

Single pile of disorganized books وشم

Single pile of disorganized books

Magnolia flower وشم

Magnolia flower